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3M says it worked in “close coordination” with the U.S. military to develop the design for the CAEv2 earplugs and incorporated features that were “requested and accepted” by people acting on behalf of the military.

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The allegedly defective 3M earplugs were the result of a collaboration between U.S. military representatives and Aearo in the late 1990s before 3M acquired the company. The result was the second version of the Combat Arms Earplug (CAEv2).

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Plaintiffs might argue that 3M took steps to conceal the known defects in the CAEv2 earplugs in an attempt to keep people from filing lawsuits.

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There may still be time to file a lawsuit against 3M for injury caused by the CAEv2 earplugs. The time period for bringing claims Clique aqui against 3M is governed by state law and varies by state. It is best to consult a local attorney about the applicable statute of limitations for a particular state.

They were standard issue in Iraq and Afghanistan for soldiers deployed during those years. Production of the earplugs ceased in 2015 without recall.

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The MDL judge rejected 3M’s government-contractor defense in all of the bellwether trials because there was never a written contract between the government and Aearo regarding the design or manufacture of the earplugs, meaning 3M is not a government-contractor in this case. 3M has raised the issue again in the cases it has appealed.

Defective manufacturing. Plaintiffs charge the CAEv2 design as defective, not an error during the production of the earplug.

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